Hey y’all, our goal on here is to post regularly and I said yes, but... We have been super busy recently making episode for Our podcast we would really like your help, coming up with episodes, Instagram post, and right here on the blog blog post. If you have any ideas, go to the homepage, swipe up to see the sidebar and input your ideas there, we would love love love to hear from you about your ideas, correlating past episodes, future episodes, and present episodes, we hope to have blog post up soon.
Let us upload you...We have been a little M.I.A regarding our blog. But we have been doing live updates on our podcast Instagram... ( our insta ). If you haven't already had the chance, you should go check us out and follow us there. We also have been obviously recording and publishing podcasts. We have three public episodes for you to listen to, so go find out more about us. Here's the link to our published episodes: our podcast ep,'s on anchor .You can also access our podcast all over the web!! Including apple podcasts, google podcasts, pocketcasts, and much more. We hope to continue podcasting weekly, as well as posting on this blog. Although, we have busy lives and are still getting the hang of recording and publishing episodes. We thank you so much for sticking with us as we figure thing out. And, we would truly love if you could subscribe, rate and review our podcast, follow us on Instagram and answer our polls, as those truly help and encourage us to keep going. Let...